1-855-VIEWVISTA (1-855-843-9847)

Travel for Study-Related Assessments will be Provided for Eligible Study Participants and their Caregiver.

Learn about the study

  • The Vista trial is for males between the ages of 12 and 50 who have X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) caused by a mutation (or defect) in the RPGR gene.
  • The Vista trial is studying an investigational (not yet approved for sale by government authorities like the FDA in the US or EMA in Europe) new gene therapy called laru-zova (also named AGTC-501).
  • The study drug (laru-zova) is designed to provide a healthy version of the mutated (or damaged) RPGR gene to allow the cells in the retina to make a healthy RPGR protein.
  • The purpose of the Vista trial is to assess how well 2 different doses of laru-zova might work to preserve and/or improve vision and other symptoms of XLRP when compared to study participants who have not received laru-zova.
  • The safety and tolerability of these 2 doses will also be assessed in this study.

How the Vista trial works

Qualification for the study involves confirmation of XLRP with an RPGR gene mutation by genetic testing and a review of your medical history to help determine if you or your child meet eligibility criteria.

  • If eligibility criteria are met, participants will then attend 3 screening visits at a study site.
  • Qualified participants will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups or the control group.
  • Eligible participants in the treatment groups will undergo a procedure to receive an injection of laru-zova in one eye. The study doctor and study participants will not know which dose is given.
  • Participants in the control group will not receive laru-zova initially, but they will have the option to receive laru-zova after 1 year if they meet eligibility requirements.
  • Depending on group assignment, trial participation lasts from 2 to 6 years.

Who can participate in the Vista trial?

The Vista trial is for males between the ages of 12 and 50 who have X-linked retinitis pigmentosa (XLRP) caused by a mutation (or defect) in the RPGR gene. Individuals must meet certain criteria to qualify for the study.

You or your child may be eligible for the Vista Clinical Trial if:

Diagnosed with XLRP and have RPGR gene mutation

Diagnosed with XLRP and have RPGR gene mutation (confirmed by genetic testing)
Best Corrected Visual Acuity in at least one eye is between 20/32 and 20/200

Best Corrected Visual Acuity in at least one eye is between 20/32 and 20/200

Between 12 and 50 years of age

Between 12 and 50
years of age

Do you/your Child qualify?
Refer a Patient

Did you know?

Control groups are very important in clinical research. For this study it will allow researchers to compare results from a group of participants who received the study drug to results from those who did not. This comparison will help researchers show whether the study drug had any effect.

After at least one year, participants in the control group may choose to end participation or receive the study drug, if eligible.

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